2020. I’m excited? Are you? No? Yes? All right!!!

Many good things are coming in 2020. Bunnyhead mini-comic. Bunnyhead 4 and (god willing!) 5. My forhcoming album “Dark Roads for The Young Magus” and more!

But today I want to give you something for free! It’s an album of all my Jamuary 2019 tracks.

See, there's an unofficial contest called "Jamuary" wherein one is ostensibly supposed to post a jam a day on social media. I took it as an opportunity to make a single, short song a day. It was remarkably freeing and fun. One day I was inspired and worked the track out at length but another I was tired and created something simple. In turn that simple thing might even open up into a longer track.

Some intrepid listeners may realize many of these tracks became longer tracks on several of my 2019 releases. Still others weren't. Those that didn't make the cut didn't do so out of any poor quality in the work. They just didn't strike my ears. In listening to them again I'm fairly certain almost all of these will eventually become full songs in their own right.

I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for listening.